Kingdom Outfitters Classes

New term will start on Sunday, June 3, 2024.  You can sign up on the Church Center App or by clicking here.

  • Have questions about the morning's sermon? Hang around to discuss the sermon with Pastor Mark and get a more in-depth discussion on the points, thoughts, and pieces of the morning's sermon. All guests are welcome.


  • This is the beginning of GBC’s Discipleship Series Classes. It is the basic introduction to the GBC family and the importance of the local body of believers. What does God desire for each local body? Why is membership important? Come and see.

  • This class is designed for those who just completed 101 as well as anyone who desires to learn disciplines necessary for spiritual growth. Come and learn ways to be more effective in your prayer life and Bible study plus more. 

  • Do you know your spiritual gifts? Where can you use them in ministry? How can you use them in ministry? This class is designed for those who have completed 101 & 201 AND for anyone who wants discover, deploy, and develop their spiritual gifts.

  • How can you overcome your fear in order to share the good news? Share Jesus Without Fear will teach you a natural, nonthreatening way to share the gospel that eliminates the pressure, the arguments, & the fear of failure. While this class was designed for those who have completed 101,201,301, everyone is welcome to attend.

  • Revelations

    Christ is the final victor, and he will come again... Follow Dr. Jeremiah through the book of Revelation in a chapter-by-chapter study that will help you understand what it meant to the people at the time it was written, and what it means to Christians today.

  • Cultures in Conflict

    In Cultures in Conflict, filmed on-location at Stoa of Athens, Parthenon, Corinth, Philippi, and the Acropolis, Vander Laan asks, how do you live in a culture where the worldview conflicts with Christianity? Learn from Paul as he presents his beliefs to the most powerful court in Athens and settles among the Greco-Romans of Corinth, who valued wealth and class, worship of multiple gods, and decadent pleasure seeking above all else. Discover how to live in your own Athens or Corinth—a dechristianized Western world—in a way that glorifies God.

  • Knowing Him

    Written by Mark Edwards, Director of Sonlife Latin America, this 50-day chronological look at the Life of Christ is an excellent study for small groups, ministry teams, or individuals.

    This refreshing and unique 186-page study will walk you through the life of Christ. Each day there is a ‘Digging Deeper’ section to provide a fresh look at the Son’s life, which will challenge and encourage you.

  • Faith & Foster Care: How We Impact God's Kingdom

    Filled with personal stories and Scripture, Faith & Foster Care shows how to practically and specifically live out your faith in foster care ministry. An encouraging resource for novice or experienced advocates and parents, specific issues addressed include advice on marriage and foster care, how to love the foster child and birth family, how to pray for your foster child and birth family, and how to let go when children leave your care. See how your actions have a far-reaching impact when you live out your faith.

  • His Needs, Her Needs

    Willard F. Harley, Jr. and his wife, Joyce, explain the important concept of the Love Bank, and teach them to meet each other's emotional needs for affection, sex, intimate conversation, companionship, family commitment, physical attractiveness, honesty and openness, and admiration. As couples walk through the study together they will remember why they fell in love in the first place, renew their commitment to their marriage, and rediscover their passion.

  • Matthew

    Matthew took Jesus up on the offer and left everything from his former life behind. The transformed Matthew spent the next few years observing everything Jesus said and did . . . teachings and miracles he would later record in his Gospel. Matthew especially wanted his readers to understand that Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah-God-in-the-flesh-and that he had ushered in a new kingdom on earth. All were invited to join this kingdom . . . and also become followers of Christ. (Suggested Ages 18-25)

Upcoming Kingdom Outfitters

June - August Term

  • Lead by Gary & Lucy Tedder

    The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness is a personal finance book written by Dave Ramsey that was first published in 2003. It proposes methods of getting out of debt, staying out of debt, and corrects myths about money.

  • Lead by Burnard Gibson

    Nehemiah's heart was so broken for those in need that he left the comfort of his Persian palace to help them. This study challenges women to let God break their hearts for a hurting, lost world and move them in compassion to lead people to Jesus.

  • Lead by Chris Toler

    This is the beginning of GBC’s Discipleship Series Classes. It is the basic introduction to the GBC family and the importance of the local body of believers. What does God desire for each local body? Why is membership important? Come and see.

  • Lead by Christine Utt

    This class is designed for those who just completed 101 as well as anyone who desires to learn disciplines necessary for spiritual growth. Come and learn ways to be more effective in your prayer life and Bible study plus more.

  • Lead by Bill Givens

    Do you know your spiritual gifts? Where can you use them in ministry? How can you use them in ministry? This class is designed for those who have completed 101 & 201 AND for anyone who wants discover, deploy, and develop their spiritual gifts.

  • Lead by Darlene Stump/Jake Foster

    How can you overcome your fear in order to share the good news? Share Jesus Without Fear will teach you a natural, non-threatening way to share the gospel  that eliminates the pressure, the arguments, & the fear of failure.  While this class was designed for those who have completed 101,201,301, everyone is welcome to attend. 

  • Lead by James Summers

    Grasping God's Word has proven itself in classrooms across the country as an invaluable help to students who want to learn how to read, interpret, and apply the Bible for themselves. This book will equip you with a five-step Interpretive Journey that will help you make sense of any passage in the Bible. It will also guide you through all the different genres found in the Bible to help you learn the specifics of how to best approach each one. Filling the gap between approaches that are too simple and others that are too technical, this book starts by equipping readers with general principles of interpretation, then moves on to apply those principles to specific genres and contexts.

  • Lead by Jack & Rhonda Friend

    Written by grandparents and expert Bible study authors Phyllis and Andrew T. Le Peau, this LifeGuide Bible study explores the biblical framework for being a godly grandparent. In nine sessions, this study guides you in how to be a loving and caring presence in not only the lives of your grandchildren, but also for your adult children as they parent

  • Lead by Matt & Brandy Rollyson

    The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate is a 1992 nonfiction book by Baptist minister Gary Chapman. It outlines five general ways that romantic partners express and experience love, which Chapman calls "love languages".

  • Lead by Mark Stump

    Have questions about the morning's sermon? Hang around to discuss the sermon with Pastor Mark and get a more in-depth discussion on the points, thoughts, and pieces of the morning's sermon. All guests are welcome.